Do you want to work at home?
Mau kerja dari rumah?

You can get some ideas here...
Anda bisa mendapatkan beberapa ide dari blog ini

One of the ideas, you can start your own florist business...
Salah satu ide, mungkin anda bisa memulainya dengan menjadi penjual bunga...

Do you know that your hobby can deliver you big money...?
Apakah anda tahu bahwa hobby anda bisa menghasilkan uang...?

Bagaimana caranya?

Cooking your favorite restaurant dishes at home, and sell it.
Masak makanan dari restoran favorite anda di rumah dan jual.



And by enjoying your busy days
Dan sambil menikmati hari-hari sibuk anda...

You can also take a relaxation time with SPA....
Anda juga bisa menikmati saat relax anda dengan SPA...

Then you need this Complete Guide to Creating SPA Products
Anda membutuhkan Guide untuk membuat SPA Products ini


If you don't know what career you dream about...
Jika anda belum tahu karir seperti apa yang anda inginkan...

Then I suggest you to have this complete work at home resources :
Saya sarankan segera miliki cara bekerja online berikut ini :


Search for more - Cari lebih lanjut

Mar 24, 2007

AdvantEdge Newsletter -The Secret to Attracting Success

This Little-Known Secret Is the Bridge Between Where You Are and Where You Want to Be.

It was a sunny Saturday morning in Crans, Switzerland, in August 1969. I was at a cafe, sipping hot chocolate with a 70-year-old man who had amassed a vast personal fortune after founding and building a multibillion-dollar Fortune 500 company.

I relished the opportunity to discover the secrets of that kind of extraordinary, monumental success. Finally he set down his cocoa and said, "You've been peppering me with questions. Now let me tell you the secret ..."

I sat with rapt attention for hours as he introduced me to the little-known strategies, mindset, and tactics he used to found and build Manpower Inc. into the world's largest temporary help service, raking in billions in revenue.

"The process of creating wealth includes many elements," he told me. "They're all important, but there's one element that's the glue, the 'master controller' that holds them together and makes them all work. I became a master at working with that little-known element, and when you do the same, the highest levels of business success and wealth can be yours too."

That man was Aaron Scheinfeld, my grandfather. Over the months that followed, he began teaching me his system for tapping into what I've come to call the "11th Element" to create business success and wealth.

What is the 11th Element?

Most people think the results they produce are being initiated and driven by what's going on at the conscious level — the result of the 10 major elements of self-improvement, such as desire, goal setting, and taking action. However, these 10 elements, although powerful, have one limitation — they are limited to our conscious creativity.

My grandfather taught me to imagine a greater energy, or force, that connects everything at an unconscious level. It is the information flowing through this force that drives every breakthrough. Every success, every failure, and every result in between is a result of your ability to tap into this force beyond your consciousness. I have come to call this force the "11th Element"— the "master controller" that coordinates the other 10 self-improvement principles toward your desired ends.

All successes are the result of a series of breakthroughs — leaps across the "gaps" resulting from knowing where you want to go but not knowing exactly how to do it. For example, if you want to attract more customers, grow an existing business, or work fewer hours to make what you make now (or more), but you're not sure what the best or quickest solution is to achieve those goals, you have a gap to jump. Or, as I call it, you have to "gap jump."

The process of becoming successful and creating wealth consists of bridging a constant stream of gaps. The minute you bridge one gap, achieve one goal, and reach a new "destination," you choose another goal and another destination you want to reach. Another gap forms, and the process of gap formation and bridging repeats itself for as long as you continue to desire success and wealth.

The 11th Element is the bridge that allows you to quickly and easily jump all your gaps and get to your goals in the quickest and best possible way.

When my grandfather started out, he didn't know how to produce the results he later accomplished. It was the same for me and for my clients. We began without having the contacts, ideas, skills, knowledge, and resources we needed to succeed. But we always began with the absolute confidence that we could tap into an energy, an "invisible force" greater than our conscious efforts to bridge all the gaps necessary to find what we needed and produce extraordinary results. Continue the article...

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